Every place on Earth has different Vibrations, Earth Energy, Topography, Electromagnetic Radiations, Electromagnetic Vibrations, Radio Waves, Cosmic Energy, Parallel Vibrations, etc.
And that’s why at every place different Scientific rules are applied.
“Some Superstitious Vastu Shastra Consultants believe that Vastu Remains Same in Everyplace. Which is wrong.”
When Dr. Kunal Kaushik was doing a Vastu Consultation in Delhi, He faced a unique problem, the Electromagnetic Radiations are not constant, even in some places due to high EMR it shows the traces of Geopathic Stress. In these cases, it becomes very difficult to provide Vastu Consultation, hence Consultation has to be done very carefully, especially in Delhi.
In the places like Delhi where there is a higher amount of EMR, the residents fall ill more often, there is increased in depression, less concentration, raise in anger, less or no progress.
Due to High EMR sometimes some scanners show that the premise is affected with Geopathic Stress. This is why we have to be very careful while doing Vastu Consultation in Delhi.
“Sometimes Vastu Consultants think that the premise is affected with Geopathic Stress and advice remedies for the same. As a result, we do not get the desired result because originally the premise is affected with High EMR.”
Not only this, Dr. Kunal Kaushik has discovered different problems like Low Earth Vibrations, Sick Building Syndrome, Blocked Cosmic Energy, etc in Delhi.
Due to this, sometimes people face losses in Business, face family problems, Career, and Business problems, fall sick more often, etc.
There are a large number of people who got their Vastu Survey done from very well known but Superstitious Vastu Consultants in Delhi. However, due to the fact that they did not get the desired results, they consulted with the World’s No.1 Scientific Vastu Shastra Consultant and Expert Dr. Kunal Kaushik, Vastu Consultant in Delhi.
Dr. Kunal Kaushik is the only Scientific Vastu Shastra Consultant and Expert in the World, especially in Delhi who uses more than 12 Scientific Vastu Shastra Scanners, Sensors, and Instruments that give accurate readings and help in giving the right and accurate solutions for all the Vastu related problems in Delhi as well. Dr. Kunal Kaushik is anti-Superstition and pro-Scientific Vastu Expert. He is an avid supporter of Vastu without Demolition which simply means putting Vastu practices to work without demolishing any part of the premise Building. He has won more than 28 Awards, Gold Medals and Certificates in Vastu, Feng Shui, and Aura in Delhi and all across the world.
Dr. Kunal Kaushik is the only Vastu Consultant in the World who follows the guidelines of many International organizations like WHO, IGBC, USEPA, MNRE, GRIHA, etc for Vastu Consultation Delhi and across the globe.
Call Dr. Kunal Kaushik Now for Vastu Consultation in Delhi. Dr. Kunal Kaushik provides Online Vastu Advice and On-Site Vastu Visit Worldwide.
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