Shape of Plot
The plot is the foremost prerequisite to constructing a house or a building. During the selection of the plot special care should be taken in regards to the shape of the plot. Perfect rectangular or perfect square plot is considered to the best for construction. All the angles of the plot should be 90 degrees. Though the truth is tetragon have all the angles like 90 degrees but are not considered good for construction.
The shape of plots and the effects
Square plot
The plot with both the length and width being equal is considered to be idol site for construction of the house. According to Vastu, it brings in all-round growth happiness and prosperity. Years back the house was designed surrounding square courtyard to allow ventilation. The square plots had been the most considerate plots for decades.
Rectangle Plot
The plot with length and width in the ratio of 1:2 are considered good. In case length is north facing and width is west facing the plot is even more suitable. Such plots bring in heath, prosperity and wealth for the residents. Like the square site it is easy to construct houses on the plots with the space for trees etc. and thus there is no waste.
Triangular Plot
These fire shape plots are not considered good as there is always a fear of fire on them.
Circular/ oval/ Elliptical Plot
Such shapes of plots according to Vastu bring in bad luck for the family and thus are not considered good.
Plots having more than 4 Sides
Hexagon, Pentagon, Octagon shaped plots should not be chosen as
Gou- Mukhi Plot
The plot that is wide at back and narrow at back are called Gou-Mukhi plot and they are highly auspicious for construction of residential houses.
Simha- Mukhi Plot
The plots narrow at the end and wide at the entrance are Simha Mukhi Plot. They are not considered auspicious for the purpose of living.
Plots with Corner Cut
Plots without the corners visible should never be purchased. If you still wish to buy such a plot have a consultancy session with the Vastu Expert. Vastu says plots with no corner are not pious.