Vastu for Plots
The importance of a good plot can be compared to the value attached to a piece of cloth that we purchase for our self. In both instances, we check the quality, permanence, beauty, and other features. The plot for a house or any other structure forms the most basic part of Vastu, as a positive and auspicious plot can ensure overall prosperity.
The necessity of inspecting a plot before purchasing it cannot be and should not be underestimated. This point holds immense significance, because once you purchase unsuitable land, as per Vastu standards, and build a house there, it is extremely difficult, and in most cases impossible, to rectify it.
There are certain procedures that one can follow to test the goodness or virtue of a plot of land.
- The best way, according to me, is to go to the plot and take ten deep breaths. Close your eyes while doing this and try to feel the vibrations of the land. If you feel relaxed or happy, the property is probably good. If you think you are not attuned enough to sense the vibrations, you can take a more intuitive or sensitive person to the land or even take a newborn child to the plot. If the child remains happy and laughs, the plot is good.
- Another method involves digging a 1.5ft-deep pit in the center of the plot. Fill this pit with water and wait for a few minutes. If the water level in the pit goes down by 60 percent, you should not purchase the plot; if the water level goes down by less than 50 percent, the plot is average; and if the level of water remains the same or goes down only by around 10 percent, the plot is very good and powerful, and definitely worth purchasing.
- Check the land by taking the soil in one hand and holding it tightly. After a few minutes, slowly open your hand. If the soil slips out quickly from your hand, the land is not good. However, if the soil sticks to your hand and doesn’t slide out easily, the land can be termed as good.
- Make sure that your building is not located next to or near a graveyard or hospital. Both these places emit a lot of negative energies in the area, and in the case of the latter, probably many infections as well!
- It is not advisable to build a structure near a temple or a church, as the apexes of both these houses of worship release the negative energies of the followers. However, if your house is near a temple or church, try to ensure that its shadow does not fall on your building.
- The presence of a big industrial building near or in front of your building causes problems in growth and development for you and other occupants of your house. You should also make sure that your land is not squashed between two large buildings.
- A river to the South of your building is not considered Vastu- friendly. Similarly, there should not be any mountains or large buildings to the North of your house.
- Properties that are covered with green vegetation, trees, plants and grass are good. Agriculturally fertile land is also known as live land. Corner plots are very auspicious.
- The main entry of the plot should not have an electric pole, telephone pole or a big tree in front of it. A plot that faces a road ending or a T-junction is also not good.
- Make sure that the plot does not contain garbage or stones.
- Plots that are surrounded by running roads from all directions are considered good for commercial purposes.
- Plots that face the North are considered the most auspicious, followed by the East, West, and lastly, the South.